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Dedicated Pessimist

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joined 2022 September 05 01:12:53 UTC


User ID: 333


Dedicated Pessimist

0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 05 01:12:53 UTC


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User ID: 333

It would be interesting to have a yearly poll about our users' political beliefs.

I think you're right. It's clearly more right wing then it was on reddit. I don't think it's hard right, but there's something to Scott's post about witch tolerance.

I refuse to take it for a variety of reasons/concerns.

Can you talk about this a bit more? It's kind of one of the things that stops me trying to get diagnosed.

Edit: I'm worried about drugs burning in neural pathways/endocrine disruption to the point that you can no longer function without drugs. Things would maybe be better off if you just found lifestyle/cognitive behavioral methods of addressing things?

Again, it has been "discovered" by digital nomads

Bali has the same problem. Destroyed by influencers.

Its never too young for The Hock. Set them up for their first solo camping trip by the age of 5 and they'll be wrestling bears by 10.

Netanyahu said that these deaths were unfortunate, but 'this happens in wartime'. If that's the case, a loss of international support through sloppy rules of engagement is also 'just something that happens in wartime', so Israel needs to wear it.

There are allegedly rumours that there was a terrorist suspect the IDF thought had entered the convoy at the WCK warehouse, but actually stayed behind. That was allegedly enough to trigger the order from someone. (Some discussion on /r/credibledefence)

Edit: 2 Officers fired for the stuff up

And locations either. Sometimes your value changes on the interstate/international markets, one way or the other.

If you go check out some heavily progressive spaces, some seem to be against Biden for not being progressive enough. This is probably an olive branch to them in the lead up to the elections. Devout Christians are largely voting republican and I think he's gambling he will gain more votes than he loses. I'm guessing this is a pure election play. There is no way Biden's team didn't know that this would be antagonistic.

Dopamine in all its forms is a thing. You would need to make a serious lifestyle change and be happy with it to step back from it.

I've looked into this, done detoxes (including meditation retreats etc). If in your heart of hearts you don't wish to leave the dopamine alone then you won't.

Oxytocin is meant to be a curb on dopamine. If you have a good social network and feel loved and happy and safe, perhaps you'll be able to curb it.

Go get drunk if you haven't already. It won't help, but it's tradition.

Just take some time being single. Depending on how strong the pair bond was, it can take a fair bit of time to be ready to seriously date (up to several years if you were in high limerence/engagement). In the meantime, feel free to either stay away from girls or date unseriously and messily. Be honest with the girls that you aren't seriously available. You'd be surprised how they react.

They exist. They've been known to operate, not just in the South China Sea, but in the South Pacific and even farther abroad. They sometimes operate illegally (eg within the Galapagos Islands), or just unsustainably in international waters. I don't know about intentionally doing economic harm, but the overfishing part seems real. Also the Chinese government used to subsidise fuel for it's fishing fleets which directly contributed to their impact.

Most of the sources here are a few years old. I'm not sure of the current status of these fleets. The New York Times said in 2022, the fleet basically camped permanently off the cost of South America (paywall).

I've been playing Salt 2, which seems like a single player Sea of Thieves. Relaxing and pretty, but there isn't much crunch.

I've got to get back to finish Pacific Drive (I'm about 70% through the campaign), but I've kind of lost interest.

I did a replay of Dredge, which seems to have had a few tweaks since I last played; basically making resources you need to upgrade your ship much easier to find (I'm not sure how I feel about this). I still think its overpriced with only 10-12 hours worth of content.

I've also had a fun time following the Dragon's Dogma 2 controversy. AAA game with performance issues and surprise microtransactions (mtx) that were revealed only at release due to a review embargo, leading to review bombing. I'm kind of really against micro-transactions after major streamers CohhCarnage and Asmongold verbalised how it enshittifies games. The short version is mtx incentivises Devs deliberately making the game's Quality of Life worse so that the mtx can provide QoL relief. In other words, making a problem on purpose and then selling a solution.

as long as the small scale questions didn't consistently spin off into a length discussion of the topic here in this thread before a big post was made.

That's what I'm worried about. A request thread would mean to draw attention to developments, but not stunt discussion in the way the Bare Link Depository did. I think maybe you would be able to post items, but not discuss them here. If you wanted to discuss them, someone would need to main thread them.

Yeah, I'm leaning towards posting if I end up doing it, I will post in this thread so as not to pollute the main thread.

You can have a case that just seems obviously, incontrovertibly correct, but if you've got a justice that already decided what they'd like to do, it's not very hard for them to use brilliant legal reasoning to do what they want to do.

I came to the same conclusion a long time ago. Think of cases where an employee for a company was doing something stupid in violation of all OHSA, safety protocols, policy and direct orders from their manager. The employee now has a disability/requires ongoing expensive medical care. A judge will often twist the law into a pretzel to justify giving the employee money because the employee needs money to live and the company is involved and has money. Simple as that. Legalese is just the obfuscating ink cloud to provide some plausible deniability for the erroneous judgment.

You seem to be simultaneously treating culture war topics as abundant (saying there are too many things for you to research), and scarce (it is a useful service to find a new culture war topic).

Yes, basically. There are culture war topics we nudge against, but don't have enough time or interest to investigate. The chaff, the scum. There could be a diamond in the rough that others can see.

I agree that my suggestion is very close to a (rebranded) BLR. There was a reason why it was shut down. I was more proposing leads for others to investigate rather than drive by culture warring. Maybe if only top level posts were allowed? You couldn't low effort culture war that way because you couldn't comment on a bare link?

Finally, you are asking for something and offering nothing.

Yes, but there is a 'lead', a subject. There is a lower grade radar from members that can find interesting subjects that have not yet drawn the attention of higher grade posters. Is there a market for this, or not?

There are a lot of people that haven't experienced the online dating market recently and don't understand the bad behaviour from all corners. People seem to be aware of what guys are doing (because it's socially acceptable to signal boost that type of behaviour), but there isn't an understanding of how that behaviour evolved, and how some women are quite happy to match with 50+ men and try to connect with the most attractive one even though they have no way of ever giving any of those men the attention required to develop something meaningful. Even girls new to the platform will match with many well meaning, reasonably attractive and social men, only to dump them (flake/ghost) once a handsome lothario enters their queue.

Everyone needs to stay away from apps unless they are in the top 10-20% of physical attractiveness. Even then...

Take a break from online dating whenever you need to.

Yes, if they don't suggest a new date, say ok and unmatch after a day or so.

In real life events are a much better way to meet people to date anyway. I say that as someone that is a veteran of online dating.

I've done high protein keto the last couple of times and its been really inefficient compared to high fat keto. Weight loss just kind of fizzled out early and I felt like I was torturing myself for nothing. This is just a subjective anecdote.

I often come across events in a shallow way (like Musk's Grok AI) that I don't have the time/knowledge to write up, but I'm kind of hoping someone else will comment on.

What do people think about a 'Culture War Request Thread' where people without the time (or wordsmithing skills) can suggest current hot topics that others may be interested in investigating/developing?

Has this been considered or tried before? Would it drain energy from the main thread? Is the main thread fine in the sense of 'if no one has made a top level post, its probably not that interesting' sense?

Do you know which videos were most helpful? I'm looking for some motivation hacks right now.

As a heavy lifetime videogamer I've gotten a lot of value out of his advice. I'm particularly interested in some of his views around ADHD 'symptoms' and heavy screentime. I basically came to his conclusion years ago that meditation, (in my case basic mindfulness breath focus) was an excellent treatment to lack of focus, mental fatigue and super stimuli led dopamine receptor downregulation.

I've got no issue if he wants to spruik cheap courses or offer one on one sessions. In my view he's earned it.

Cultist Simulator was real time (with a timer on card interactions). Card Survival is turn based. You can just stop and take as long as you want to think about what to do next, eg 'It's one hour to sunset. Do I try to spear a fish to fill my starving belly, or do I play it safe and head back to camp so I'm not trapped in a pitch black jungle until daybreak being eaten alive by malaria carrying bugs?'

I've been playing Card Survival: Tropical Island. Basically you're some variant of Tom Hanks in Castaway, washing up on an island with nothing but some clothes and forced to fend for yourself.

The simple card style UI hides an incredibly complex status system where your mental/physical health is tracked under the hood (all the way down to parasite count for camp fever/malaria and derealization meter etc). It is a turn based game, but different actions take different amounts of time and the management of time is the most critical thing about surviving. Can you dig a well before the dry season comes? Can you find or farm enough spider lily plants before you succumb to Camp Fever? Can you train in spear fighting enough to fight a boar (or better yet trapping so you never have to?) Can you build and stock a raft with enough provisions to escape the island while struggling with loneliness and starvation?

I found it highly addictive and strongly recommend it for those who like in depth survival/base building/exploration games.

It is currently 30% off in the Spring Sale on Steam, but there is also a free demo of the first days available here.