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User ID: 2984

Banned by: @Amadan

BANNED USER: abusive mod notes
>Unban in 2d 21h 54m



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User ID: 2984

Banned by: @Amadan

Conservatives were stupid enough to think these weapons were only going to be used against Osama bin durka durka jihad, which is why all the original "counter-terrorism surveillance tools" had foreign activity requirements.

None of them ever suggested using them against domestic political opponents, and naively believed Democrats would also consider that out of bounds.

If I was going to own up to how stupid I think conservatives and their politicians are, I would be at it all day and inevitably get banned.

Did anyone who complains about "trumpers" ever complain about the opposite, or it is just usual tactic of "identify the community population as problematic, suggest doing something about them"?

Just going to let this post speak for itself.

"ghost gun raid on Staten Island nets arsenal of firearms"

"Members of the financial crimes task force are embedded with Homeland Security Investigation's NY EDTF"

"We just basically track Internet purchases from eBay, PayPal, Amazon, different various online companies. We get a list every other month... With people purchasing components that could possibly create a ghost gun, like the rails, the 3d printer "

Should a certain number of purchases related to making a ghost gun be made, Vaughn says the task force moves toward in conducting investigations on the individual, including social media

The last two paragraphs were edited out of the article, but you can still see them on archive.is. DHS and fincen are still trying to keep it under wraps that literally every bank and store sends them complete customer data to comb through, but every so often some junior dumb fuck assigned to a state task force brags about it on record.

Not when you can casually cross-reference all credit card transactions to automatically detect "home grown violent extremists" who shop at sporting goods stores and search for political topics. That narrows it down well enough to make a target list for manual investigation.


You do not seem to realize what the Democratic party are capable and willing to do to maintain power, and what a powerful tool the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network is when used as a political weapon.

They are literally tracking all the online purchases of people buying 3d printers, checking them against social media and reports by leftist informants, and raiding people at 3am.

Thinking about "revolution" is insane with the kind of tyranny you're facing.

I haven't had more, but that one I got a few weeks ago knocked me flat on my back.

It's not just me aging either, because a few elderly guys who got it did much better. Suspect there's something going around they were once exposed to that we've never had before.

I remember the Berkeley online courses being ordered removed, and the switch from "that's an absurd hypothetical slippery slope that would never happen" to "of course that happened, it's how the law works idiot, why do you hate disabled people?"

But the ADA lawsuit trolls who were making millions filing thousands of suits against places they'd never been to were my wakeup call.

There's always one argument defending this stuff: "there's a procedural outcome! How can you complain about a procedural outcome? Do you not like juries of your peers?"

He might be an MMTer. That's gotten popular among the in crowd recently for obvious "we can print as much money as we want without worrying about inflation" reasons.

The big downside of self-insuring for a company is probably political. If you've got a policy from Lloyd's any effort to bankrupt you through insurance payout lawfare is going to get a lot of very important people upset on your behalf.
If musk self-insured there's nothing stopping Some Judge In New York from ordering 70 billion dollar payouts every time a Tesla is involved in a fender-bender.

You need to smear the money around for self defense, and pay off enough of the Party that they at least can't unify in looting you.

Helium's gotten cheaper? I thought there was a huge shortage after they finished selling off that absurdly massive strategic helium reserve.

What consoles did everyone have growing up?
Showing my age here, but the N64 was the first and last I ever owned (and didn't buy many games after ocarina of time, not even goldeneye). My high school boyfriend had a gaystation 2, but in college the most common game was Mario Cart 64.
Some people also got a Wii senior year, but I had time to play it like twice.

(Edit: I had a PC, but never anything good enough to play modern games. My treasured CD was a pirate compilation of a whole bunch of 90s games, including homm2 and Raiden fighters.

Asking because a few friends were talking about video game nostalgia, and I was shocked at the number of different consoles they'd had access to.

Yeah, the geological carbon cycle is still a cycle, but slow enough there's no equilibrium at human timescales.

At least when I was in college the geo cycle, rock weathering, and vulcanism was considered the most probable driver of temperature over geologic time. Burning coal is basically short-circuiting that cycle by releasing fossil carbon that wouldn't have subducted and come out of a volcano until a hundred million years from now.

It's like comparing surface eddies with a deep ocean current.

You can tell because they only defend them when they're being attacked, like everything they know is wrong but also disliked by the enemy. They also try to pull the "Republicans pounce! It's right wing culture war!" card instead of a real defense on the merits, just like with "whiteness must be exterminated because it means showing up to work on time"

There were never any NYT articles crowing about how 75% of all professor applicants are now pre-screened out by the DEI department, before their resumes are even given to the official hiring committee.
Maybe even you don't know that, even though people have told you before... It's that kind of defense through carefully cultured and reinforced blindness.

It's not happening, only those people commit the faux pas of noticing it, and now that it's been brought up everyone uncomfortably shifts their eyes around the room to avoid defending it. It's almost a relief when LaShawna from HR launches into "how DARE you!", and you can just nod along silently cringing and memorizing her spiel for your next promotion review.

I walked right into that one didn't I!

Respectability cascade was the one I thought he might be talking about, but I couldn't remember the name, thanks.

Trump got rid of the worst excesses of Title IX, which Biden just made even worse with a (literal) vengeance. Did you pay attention to that one?

This "trump never did anything so don't support him" thing bothers me coming from liberals because it's transparently dishonest. Just say "I'd rather have Biden's "misgendering-is-a-crime" Title IX policy" than try to trick people into thinking there's no difference.

This came up during "the voice" referendum too, which proved to Australian reddit that they live in an irredeemably white supremacist dystopia. It's actually more off the deep end than most of the US city subs.

Obviously they do. Like how is this even a question at this point? By revealed preferences they care about it more than murder. Look at the reaction to the frat bro who dared make fun of a lizzo cosplayer vs the literal Hamas militia.

Tell that to the Albigensians!

They already stuffed it back in the bottle in the 90s, and it just made it worse when it finally escaped. Acceleration to total war and the possibility of completely exterminating it for the rest of human existence is the only viable strategy.

A smuggie is worth ten thousand words. The classic ones strike right at the heart of the issues, it's incredible.

Maybe don't trust Gemini with that question


Methane breaks down in the atmosphere quite rapidly. Going from 10mil cows to 20mil cows will increase the equilibrium, but not cause an ongoing buildup. Notably the billions of majestic bison that once covered the great plains farted almost as much as cows, but they were "natural" so it doesn't count.

They want you to see cows like a coal plant that continuously spews "new" carbon into the atmosphere. That's because they want to ban them.

Imo, pretend you don't care about the clutter, focus on the stuff she feels guilty not having time to do stuff with. Sort the set-asides into bins for her, and stick them outside. Out of sight, no stress, eventually get rid of most of it.

Tell her you'll do the stock together next time you buy a lamb or half a cow. Doing a big batch is way more efficient than boiling two chicken thigh bones and a wing.

I hoard stuff too, but it's great. There's a complete set of backup kitchen appliances wrapped up in an outbuilding. When my fridge-freezer broke this week, I just rolled a smaller one in on a dolly and moved all the important food into it. Now I've got the regular one fixed the backup can go back out to the barn for a few more years.

Hoarding reduces stress if you do it right, but letting it build up low-productivity tasks is awful. Getting the "upcycling pile" turned into "upcycling garbage bins" is the key.